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Found photos

The photos are childhood photos of my mum, taken in the 1950’s and ’60’s. The original photos are small, all around 6-9cm. Most are damaged to some degree.

I scanned all her photos (about 100) then edited selected photos in photoshop. Editing focused on restoration – removing damage – and adjusting levels/contrast. Photos selected are a combination of the ones that are mum’s favourites or mean the most to her, and photos that speak to me and resonate in some way with the woman I know. I’ve used most of the photos I have of my mum and her mum. My Nanna was 40 when she had mum and 70 when I was born, so I only knew her as an older woman.

Arranged resulting 11 photos in InDesign (at Nicks suggestion) to decide layout and image sizes. Next step is to print as A1 and A2 to visualise and decide on final image sizes before sending to nick for printing. Photos will be between 2-4 x the original sizes.

Considering attaching the photos to a board and using either the other A2 or one of the A1 frames I have (same frame as the glasswork).

Glass work – progress photos

Finished. Next step is to create a base/stand.

Credit to Cobi for suggesting wire to suspend the glass panels and pointing out that the lines of the wire may not detract. My brother-in-law for the suggestion of mesh. And Jane for suggesting leaving most of the mesh intact, pointing out that the regularity of the mesh could be less distracting than more random lines if more was removed. Also the mesh has provided reinforcement to the frame so the whole thing is much more solid and stable than I anticipated.

Assembly progress

Wire frames for glass and fixing to mesh

Substrate to attach glass to is a 25mm aperture mesh. Section cur out to allow larger apertures for glass panels. Mesh is stapled to the back of the frame.

Found frames (from Reverse Garbage in Marrickville).

Initial arrangements – settled on A2. Partly due to considerations about the weight of the glass and structural integrity of the frame without reinforcement. It also keeps the works smaller and more intimate