Category Archives: Uni Semester 1 2022

Quiet Moments, 2022. Warm glass elective final installed work

Quiet Moments, 2022.
Kiln formed glass and digital prints, 5 at 30cmx30cm.
It’s about the small and the quiet moments. Moments when the immediate environment is so engrossing that everything else fade away. Moments to be entirely present, where there is nothing before, nothing after, just the moment.
This work is a response to the beach and some of the emotions it conjures for me. The beach is an environment of flux, of constant change and motion, on both grand and very intimate scales. While seemingly endless vistas or the energy in breaking waves are awe-inspiring, I find moments of peace and calm in observing the smaller details. The interesting shells, rocks, or other debris along the high tide mark. Eddies around rocks or feet at the edge of the water, and the back-and-forth movement of water and sand. Looking through the water and trying to discern details distorted by movement and reflections.
Glass has qualities that evokes water: transparency, clarity, opacity, hardness, that it flows, that it can freeze motion and form. Combining kiln slumped glass forms with photographic images I hoped to capture a sense of motion and communicate some of these small and quiet moments.